paludarium nr 2

Category: Product ID: 1855


A paludarium is a unique and fascinating variant of an aquarium, where both a water part and a land part are created. In a paludarium, both water-loving and land-dwelling plants, animals and amphibians can live together, creating a diverse and dynamic living environment.

The water section of a paludarium is often equipped with a filter, lighting and heating to maintain ideal living conditions for aquatic animals. The land area is usually elevated and provided with ground cover, rocks, branches and plants, so that land dwellers can settle and move about.

Creating a paludarium is a creative process that must take into account the specific needs of the chosen plants and animals. It is important to find the right balance between humidity, temperature and lighting for both the water and land areas.

Paludaria are popular with enthusiasts of reptiles, amphibians and some tropical plant species. They provide a unique opportunity to mimic different ecosystems and create a natural environment in which both aquatic and terrestrial animals thrive.

Maintaining a paludarium includes regular water changes, monitoring humidity and temperature, pruning plants and general cleaning. It is also important to monitor the interaction between the different residents and ensure that they are compatible.

In short, a paludarium offers a captivating and aesthetically pleasing combination of water and land elements. It allows enthusiasts to create a unique ecosystem and enjoy a variety of plants and animals living together in harmony.

dit paludarium is grotendeels gemaakt in optic white glas en rondom poly geslepen
